The three modes of communication:
Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational.
It was very interesting to listen to Paul sand rock's presentation in the Webinar. I had not thought of the modes of communications in those terms. I always thought that in teaching a language Communication is of prime importance and probably my understanding was mostly that communication is interpersonal.
I see things in a different light now and I am glad to revisit the concept of Communication.
That said, when I look and analyze the way I have been teaching, I realize that I do use all three forms in my instruction.
I often start with a movie clip or a little cartoon strip to introduce the new lesson, and let the kids explain and discuss what they see , what they understand, what they think we will be discussing in the lesson, I let them infer and deduct and I believe this is the interpretive mode and since they are discussing and bouncing ideas off of each other and collaborating as a class to bring out the ideas, this is also interpersonal.
I use a lot of partner work and a lot of questions and answers and dialogues in my classes and these are also interpersonal.
The little skits the kids make and present are presentational.
My students also often research and create, then present.
They have made recipes and presented to the class how they made their food, talking about ingredients, letting their classmates sample their work.
They have researched countries and cities and presented to their classmates and given their opinions on which places would be good to visit and which ones should maybe be avoided for safety reasons or other reasons , this can also be interpretive.
How do I feel about moving to distance instruction? I think it can be a great experience and it has many advantages, but I personally would miss the face to face interaction with my students. I think that a blended learning environment is still my favorite and a good stepping stone before going cold turkey to a totally online class.
As a student, I think I am enjoying the flexibility to work at my own pace and at my convenience, working around my teaching schedule and my other responsibilities. I think for the mature student, it is a great experience. For the younger students, unless they have someone monitoring their online time and their progress ( except for those very well organized conscientious students), it would be a bit more complicated.
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